Ability Triathlon Series


Fast turnaround for inspirational event

The organisers of the Yorkshire Ability Triathlon were looking for a standalone site to help publicise and organise their inspirational, inclusive event. Launched in 2023, the Yorkshire Ability Triathlon is a multi-sport event focused on children aged 6-17 with neurodivergent and physical disabilities.

Utilising facilities at Leeds Beckett University, the day is all about participation and showing young people that sport and activity is for everyone. The volunteer organisers needed a new site to promote the event’s second year to the families and carers of young people with disabilities across the region.

They needed it quickly, and we were more than happy to help!

Working with good causes is one of Air’s core principles, and this was a pro bono development project. 

After meeting with the Yorkshire Ability Triathlon committee we quickly determined that Webflow would be the most effective route to build, test and launch the new site within the required timeframe. Our design and UX teams love working with Webflow as sites are optimised for speed and performance, ensuring that they load quickly, providing a seamless user experience.

Webflow automatically generates responsive designs, ensuring that websites look great on all devices. It also takes care of cross-browser compatibility, avoiding the need for extensive testing. Webflow provides robust SEO tools, making it easier to optimise sites for search engines and improve visibility.

Taking on board the wishes of the organisers and incorporating their existing media assets, we created a great-looking site with pages that explain the event in detail, with clear calls to action encouraging visitors to get involved, by entering, volunteering or sponsoring.

As well as ‘About’ and ‘Contact’ pages, the Air team created a bespoke ‘Not Sure’ section, with a series of concertinaed FAQs that address any potential reservations that participants and their families may have before committing to the event. 

There was no need for an Ecommerce element, as event entries are handled through a link to the official British Triathlon site.

The results

The site was launched successfully just six weeks after the project kick-off, leaving ample time for participants to enter, volunteers to registers and sponsors to sign up. 

The site is already performing far above the group’s expectations, with traffic levels,  conversions and sign-ups growing steadily since launch.

Working with Ascensor has been a breeze and we love our new Air website. From first meetings to final build, the whole process was straightforward and done for us, I’d highly recommend Air to anyone looking for a professional, high-quality starter website.

Richard Mostyn-Jones, Triathlon England Council President

The successes

  • Swift six-week turnaround
  • Pro-bono project
  • Maximum publicity to encourage participation
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