Spray Plant UK Ltd


We’ve got you covered

A new conversion-focused Shopify site proved a powerful upgrade for Spray Plant, providing greater functionality and streamlined navigation

Spray Plant UK Ltd is one of the leading specialist suppliers of paint spraying equipment in the UK, supplying the industrial and contractor markets since 1994. When Spray Plant approached us, they were looking for a new site with greater functionality that users could navigate with ease.

Their site needed to drive conversions through sales and enquiries, positioning the company as a market leader in their sector. We recommended Shopify ecommerce as the ideal solution to showcase products and services with a clear, uncluttered interface that would be intuitively navigable. 

A Shopify website would provide plugin integration to aid functionality, straightforward product management and analytics for the Spray Plant UK team, as well as providing an excellent foundation for future marketing strategies. 

Data driven design

The Air team set to work styling the new Shopify site to match Spray Plant UK’s current branding, informed by findings collated from Hotjar data. User data influenced the design and layout, based on how current users interacted with the existing site. From this, we could remove any barriers to conversion and highlight the most visited areas of the site, creating a smooth user experience that would attract visitors to convert.

To eliminate browsing fatigue we streamlined the main bar navigation, with featured product display in the menu for quick and easy browsing. 

As an Ecommerce site targeting both businesses and individuals, implementing individual client pricing functionality was key. We integrated changeable pricing displays depending on new or existing client accounts, with the ability to implement discount functionality based on customer requirements. This also allowed Spray Plant to manage orders, product information and stock control with ease. 

We also created a ‘request a quote’ function for customers to gain an accurate, bespoke price for product hire. Third-party integration allowed us to implement product management software for monitoring sales both online and offline, for accurate and effortless stock control across multiple purchase points. 

For a seamless transition from Spray Plant’s existing site to Shopify, we also migrated existing product data and copied any content across to the new URL, ensuring an aesthetically pleasing and intuitive layout for visitors to navigate and browse easily. As we focus on delivering high-performance websites, we used the Lighthouse measurement tool to ensure maximum performance and fast loading speeds to keep visitors engaged and able to browse the site with confidence. 

After rigorous QA testing and client approval, the site was passed over to Air’s launch specialists for the finishing touches. This included metadata creation, redirects and Google Analytics configuration for a seamless transition from the old site to the new. 

Spray Plant was ready for launch!

The successes

  • Spray Plant UK now have a stylish and uncluttered website that showcases their products and drives traffic to convert
  • Spray Plant UK can easily manage the site internally, with the ability to update products and track sales
  • The company receives ongoing support and maintenance from our experts for a secure site and peace of mind
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